HomeMy WebLinkAboutKeep Oro Valley Strong - 1st Quarter Report - 4/5/2022 ,__._.__..� � 1 S TATE 4� ARIZONA ' cOMM1TTEE!D NUMBER ' �'��=--� C�MMlTTEE CAMPAlGN _ ' � �v PC2� �1 � s��" FiNANCE REPORT � � � . COMMITTEE INFORMATION (required): ., ,. �� . • : L�.�r;; � Committee information: Committee Name: Keep Oro Vailey Stron�PA� ., _ � _._.__.._..,__��........,._w �. CANDIDATE INFORMATION(only if filing as a candidate committee): _ _ .e___.__�._._..__..�-----...�..--�-�-�--- -���. .._,...�.,...�...,_..n.,...._���,.,,�.� ,�.a..._�..�� _._.,. _ _ ____._...____ _.__.__ _._ __ _..___.__ _- _ � C]State�egislature: � � O�ce Sought. ❑Statewide Office: __ _______ � � � ❑County Ofifice: D City/Tow� Office: � � Cumulatrve Report. � � ' ❑Check here if ihis is the candidate committee's first,cumufative report for the e�ectivn cycie.Also seie�t appropriate Reporting Period b�ow. 4 ` Cumulative reporting period start date(which supersedes the s#art daie for the Reporting Periad selected below): .._.r , REP4RT{NG PERIQD�check one)�. _ _..�.�.�_ ...__�___.�m , ,..,�...._.m..�.__._.__ ___ _ ��_... e_.. .�. . ._ _ �_ __ _ _ _. _._._._.. _� _. __.�.�_.. RERORT DUE �" � REPORTING PERI00 , �, 2021 to Janua �5,2021 , 2020 4 �uarter Report: October 18,2020 to December 31,2020 January 1, ry � �' f� � � 2021 March Pre-Election Report(l.ocai Only):January 1;2021 to February 20,2021 Febru�ty 21,2021 to February 27,2021 . �� � 2021 March Post-Election(Q1)Report(�.ocal Only):February 21,2021 to March 31,2021 April i,2021 to Apri!1�,2t��1 2021 Quarter 1: January 1, 2021 to March 31.2021 April 1,2021 to April 1�,20Z 1 � � � 2021 May Pre-Election Report(Local Only):April 1,2021 to May 1,2021 May 2,�021 to May 8, 202 i 2��i May Post-Electio�(Q2)Report(Local Only): May 2,2021 to June 30,2021 July 1,202i to July 15,2021 � � � Jul �;2021 to Jui 15,2021 � r ; 2021 Quarter 2 Report:April 1,2021 to June 30, Z021 Y Y � � 2021 August Pre-Eieci�on Report(�oca!Only):Ju1y 1,2021 to Juiy 17,2021 July 18,2021 to July 24, 2021 � F � 2021 to October 15,20�1 � 2021 August Post-Election(Q3)Report(�.ocal Only):July 18,2021 to Sepiember 30,2021 October 1, � 2021 Quarter 3 Report:July 1,2021 to September 30,2021 October 1:2021 to October 15,2�21 � 2021 Nove�nber Pre-Election Report(�ocal Only):October 1,2021 to Ociober 16,2021 October 17,2021 to Octobet'23, 2021 2021 Noverr�ber Po�t-Election�Q4)Report{Local Only):Oct�er i 7,2021 to December 31,2021 January 1,2022 to January 15,2Q22 �. ; � 2021 Quarter 4 Report: October 1, 2021 to Decem ber 31,2021 January 1,2�22 to Januaty 15, 2022 � � � 2422 March Pre-E�ection Report(Loca!Only):January 1,2022 to February 19,2Q22 February 20,2022 to Fe�ruary 2fi,2022 ; 3' � t, { j 2022 March Post-Election tQ1)Report(Local On1y): February 20,2022 to March 31,202 April 1,2022 to Apri1 15,2022 = , � � ' A r�i 1,2022 to A �il 15,2022 � ' 2022 Quarter� Report: January 1, 2022 to March 31,2022 P � R ;� a � ` 2022 May Pre-Election Report(Local Only):April 1,2022 to April 30,2022 May 1;�022 to May 7,2022 � � fi: 2Q22 May Post-Election(Q2)Report t�ocai Oniy):11Aay 1,2022 to June 30,2022 Jufy 1,2022 to July 15,2022 � � 2022 Quarter 2 Report:April 1,2022 to June 30,2022 July 1,2022 to Juiy 15,2022 � to Jul 23.2022 � 2022 Pre-Primary Election Report:July 1,2022 to July 16,2022 July 17, 2022 y , � � � 2022 Post-Primary(Q3)Report:July 17,2022 to September 30, 2022 October 1,2022 to October 15;2022 � ! 2022 Pre-General Election Report:October 1,2022 to October 22,2022 October 23, 2022 to October 29,2022 ' ° � r, , 2022 Post-Genera!(Q4)Report:October 23,2022 to December 31,2022 January 1,2023 to January 17,2023"` . , �� Finai Campaign Finance Report Prior to Committee Termination End of�revious Period#hrough Today s Oate � ~�� 'Report:rg deadl�ne extend+ed ta next bus�ness day A R.S §§t-243�A}and 1-303. ` � f' _, ._..._ FINANCiAL SUMMARY(required�: __..._.___�._�._.��__ ___�_____---_______.__._______._.___________._._.._.____..____________._______. __._________.___ ___._____._____._.__._�_____.__.__ _----- -- __ _ __�....�__. _..�__.._..__ Activity Cash Activity This Election Cycle to � �- Repo�ting Pe�iod Date s : � (a) Committee value at the beginning of this reporting perivd��e.e�d��9 ba�a�,�e f�om cne fi,067.91 � previousreportsng per�od} ; ; � (b� +Totai receipts�f�om"S�mmary otRece�pts,"i�ne�3(cash cdurm}f�r th�s reponfng�enod) 4'r3�.�� �5,3Q�.4�J � 1 � (C} -Total disbursements{�tom"Summary of Disbursements"line 16(cash cdumn�for th+s reporting per�od} �,622,'rJ� ��,2�7.2�J i � > ; ; (d} = Balanee at close of reporting period 3,$95.32 : � --- ,� ' �7 Check here�f no financial activit durin the re ortin eriod. Lines a -•d still must be com leted, but onl this cover a e need be fifed. �. � y 9 P 9P t ) � ) P Y P9 Committe�es with financial activity must fiie the cover page,summary of receipts,summary of disbursements,and any schedules that contain financial activity. All reports are deemed to be filed under pena(ty of perjury by the committee treasurer(all committees}and candidate{candidate committees only). Arizona Secretary of State Revision 02111121 (fillable format) STATE OF ARIZI'�NA CQMMITTEE ID NUMBER �� --�� C)VPC20-01 COMMtTTEE CA�W'tPAtGN � � " y FINANGE REPCJ�T �.�a��.-- Under A.R.S. 16-926(B}(5), a campaign finance report must be certified by the committe� § treasurer under penalty of perjury that the contents of the report are true and correct. B filin tl�is re ort, ou certify that, under penalty of perjury, you have examined the contents Y g p Y of this rep�rt, and the contents are true and correct. � , !� Philip D.Wheeler 4i5/2022 � Printed Name of Carnmittee Treasurer Signature of�ommittee Treasurer ate Ari�ona Secretary of State Revision 02/11i21 (fillable format} STATE OF ARIZONA COMMITTEE ID NUMBER � �� ��{^:���_�� C4MMITTEE CAMPAIGt� ��p(;2(�_�'� , :, . �� FINANCE REPaRT � � SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS(Schedule A): ,�-���� ���. .� Cash Equity *' �° Receipts � � � 1. Monetary Contributions Received a Individuals-More than�50 450.04 ( ) (b) individuals-$50 or Less�Aggregate� c Candidate Committees (d) Poiitical Action Committees (e} Political Parties (f� Partnerships (g) Corporations�Limited Liabitity Companies�PAcs�Poa�t�ca�Parc�es or�ty� (h� Labor C�rganizations�Pa�s�Po��tica�Par��es Only� (i} Candidate'S PetS0�81 MOt1ieS i Candi�ate CQmmittees 4n�y) �) Monetary Contnbutions Subtotal��a�cay thr��9n�(�)� (k) Refunds Given Back to Contributo�s {I} Net Monetary Contributions t�bUacc�tk;�om��>� 2. Loans � (a) Loans Received - ' � b Fo iveness on Loans Received t � c Re a ment on Loans Made �d) interest Accrued on�oans Made e Loans Sub#otai cash:add 2{aj,2����Z�a} 3. Rebates and Refunds Received 4. lnteres#Accrued on Cammittee Monies � 5. !n-Kind Cantributions Received � ' (a) lndividuals-More than�50 i (b) Ind'+viduals-$50 or Less{Ac�re9ate� � (c) Candiddte Committees � (d) Pofitical Action Committees , �e) Political Parties ' � � Partner�hi s ' i {g) Corporations 8�timited Liabifity Companies�FA�s s�PQi�uc��Part;es onty; ! th) l.abor C�rganizations r�A�s$Port�ca�Par�+es onsy} (i} Candid�te's Personal Assets or Property ccarr��date co�,miaees on�y� (j� In-Kind Contributions Subtotal�e�:ty adci 5(a)through 5,i)> � f. In-Kind Donations Received trvo�,-conttibutians�(Pofitical Parties Only; ; 7. Extensions Gf Credit ; (a) Extensions of Credit Received ` ' � {b) Payments on Extensions of Credit Received ' (c} Net E�ensions of Credit�����t 7tb)from 7�a}� _ 8. Joint Fundraising/Shared Expense Payme�ts Received ` ' 9. Payments R�ceived for Goods l Services k ' 10. �utstanding Accounts Receivable/Debts Owed to Gommittee � 11. Transfer ln Surplus Monies!Transfer Out Debt+use cash andlar equity as applicable � � 12. Miscellaneous Receipts ' 13. Tota1 ReCeipts(casts:a��1(�� 2(e; � s-s.��-�2�equ{ty as�cs 2(b}.5(;�.s-i ��-�2; 450.{�� �. ,�' � �. � �-�...�:__ ._ . _ �._..�..._. _._..._� ___�.._�___.�.______�____�.�..._______� Arizona Secretary of State Revis�on 02/11/21 (fillable format) sTAT� oF a�rzoNA �OMMITTEE 1D NUMBER ' ���:��:�--� COMM�TTEE CAMPAIGN _ � ... �_ �vPc2� o � . � FINANCE REPORY SUMMARY OF DlSBURSEMENTS(Schedule B): . ._ _. __ �._____ �..�___..��._. _.__._......_�.�_�..___�. �.� . _ _..___ __ `� � �. , Disbursements Cash � Equity 1. Disbu rsements for Operating Expenses 2�524•81 2. Contributions Made (a) Candida#e Committees � S i (b) Politicai Action Committees � � (c) Politicai Parties # (d) Partnerships (e} �orporations 8�Limited Liability Companies{Pac s�Po��c;�a�Paraes o�+Y} (� Labor Organizations r,Pac�Po>>ticai Pa�;es onEy� (g) Monetary Contributions Subtotal�aad 2ta�cnro�,9r,Ztf;� (h) Contnbution Refunds Provided to the Reporting Committee (i) Monetary Contributions Totai�s�,�a�aa 2(n�nom 2{9>� 3. Loans (a) Loans(�lade (b} Loan�uarantees Made {c) Forgiveness on Loans Made i � {d) Repayment of Loans Received . (e) Accrued lnterest on Loans Received ('� TOtal LQanS(cash:add 3(a�,3td)8 3(e);equi#y:add 2(b}8�2{c)� 4. Rebates and Refunds Made cNon-Contributio�s; i 5. Value of In-Kind Con#ributions Provided (a) Candidate Committees ' i {b} Politicai Action Committees ' �c) Political Parties (d} Partnerships � {e) Corporations 8�Limited Liabifity Companies tPac s�P���uca�Paroes on�y} �fl �abor Grganizations�Pac 8�Pos�ti��Pa�aeS o�y� {j) Contributions Subtota!ta�a�;a)through 5�f;> 6. Independent Expenditu�es Made ` { 7. Balfot Measure Expenditures Made , � 8. Recall Expenditures Made ' 9. Support Provided to Party Nominees�Pa�t�cas�art,es o��Y� 10. Joint Fundraising/Shared Expense Payments Made 11. Reimbursements Made 12. Outstanding Accounts Payable/Debts�w�ed by Committee 13. Transfer Qut Surplus Monies 1 Transfer In Debt t�,�casr,ar�d�or e�s��as ap��cabae ! , ; 14. Miscellaneaus Disbursements � 15. Aggregate of Disbursements-�250 or Less 97.76 i , 16. Total Disbursements ccas�:aa��.2��;.3tf} 6-11&13-'5:equi`.y:add 3{f}.5{j).8�2-��� 2,622_57� r �� � � ���� . . ....._... .__._ .._ . . ...... Arizona Secretary of State Revision 02I11/21 (fiilable format) ,.� � co���-��E�����s�� � ,,- . ,�, STATE t�F AR1Z�3NA ��� � PAt�N - -�: .- .�� a���TT�� �A� 2� �� � y� � � c Q�P� � � j � y:, -- l� _ �' �; F�NAN�� ���'�JRT x ��_ � ,� -MOR�THaN S50 DURI;�G ELECTIfl�v CYC�.E;" SC�����'�A(�j;a} N4tJNETARY CONTRIB�TIC�NS RECEIVED FROM INDi'�1QUALS - Y .. . .,` � Cumula�ive Cumulative r 1r:f�+at;or Ar�ount Receive�; �mo�:s�t th:s �'�mcx�nt this �ndi�,�idua!Contnbu�o �Report$ng Peria� Ele��on Cvc�� � � '��-.��:.:���c.:�,�r�e�ce�ti�-�� � , { f 4 ;�,6 � � j 11f1�l2��.t� � � F �Terrty 1tlrotf � $ � � # 'c�'t�:r�,a�ess ; ; s ! � F � �409 W ��r�da�veil Place � 0.0�; 0.00� 254.�0 � � ��� ,S.a•� i�i? � � ��t g�, -- ` ,� i rQ �1a11�� �AZ ;85737 � _ �� � ; F )) .� i � f k^ r:^.^ ���1.'�i}'� � � ? E.�x.±� � i � � • ', ` Retired : ; : � ��rE v+."'r'L�vvbOt'R�E'�`i�� tti8."�E � e �orn�t �111'�12a20 . ,�o � b�'JB�:A�ESS 8� E. Vin�y�rd P1 o.oa �.oa 2�0.00 ,, zt� � 2 �,. s.�� �ro Va!!e AZ 85737 Y ; ���,�, o�.�,.�r� Re�i red �:��������� ��-:� ' Rodman �1/12�20�� ; 6��� � ���� � 1215� N �amino De �ierro 250.0� 3 ,�. �8 ,:� �.�� Q.�� �r� Oro Vailey �AZ 8573? ; Gx.�^,.�� �T�`'e�^ ��t�rE'C� � �a:e;,an�:�..��e�e�n-�c ... �BT� i ��7��l���� ' �'�omas �'�a��.z ���-� � � ��73� E�gle �ye Pi ' � 4 �_ ,�..�� zfl O.QC� 0.�0 350.00 ��,.,;, �ro Va1��y �Z 85737 c,�.,��. �r.-�,�yer q � Re�ired ; �� t�a,�e Ga�.�;:.-:,-t�;.,_of-R:�e�••rt� ' aa�, coX ��i�3�zo�a � s:-ee�::�.�..r4--tss . �0651rV aQ��WbUSt C� � 5 .-: s���f �� O.�Q O.OQ ��Q.O� ..�� '4ra Va��e �� 85737 Y ,��..��a'-�^ !-�='�`�" � �Reitred ! j ! r �nt�r:ota4��:y if�ast�age of sche�ule � ;�a^.s��u�s��•ta��^�e��ec:s-,.s��C:c'S;,-r.rna�y d R�oe:�;s. :�r�e��;�: "{f contributions of S54 or less a�e listed��Sched�sie A4�');�)����'lo��nc�ude�he�c^Sch��u���t1�{s}. Schedu{e A�"j{a)t page � �f �3 Anzona Se�retar}�o`State Re�isi�n�2i��'1�(f��lak�le ro�cr,at j � COMMITTEE iD NUM6ER : STATE OF ARIZONA ����'�� COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN .. ; �:. . . (�U���a �� � �`� �' FINANCE REP�RT � � MONETARY CONTRlBUTIQNS REC EIVED FROM INDlViDUALS-MORE THAN$50 QURiNG ELECTiON CYCLE:�` SCHEDULE A(1}(a) ___.- -- ,_....� _ _ _`�-`-`..`.; , Cumulative Cumulative individual Contributor{nformatian Amount Received Amount this Arnount this Reporting Period Elect:on Cycfe Uate CoMnbuban Rece�va7 Name ; Dick Johnson 11/13/20,2116/ ����� , : � 1565 W G�rmel Pointe Dr. ; 0.00 0.00 350.�0 1 Gh State z�P aro Valle AZ 85737 Y . Occupabon Em�Ye; Reti red ' Date Cornnbuhon Rece�vec! a � Name ` Phil Wheeler 11 118/24, 1/19/21 ` 5��,�� 1465 W Bridalveif PI 255.00 2 Steie ZI P O.O O O.�O GtY � C�ro Valle AZ 85737 ' y Oc�ct�pebot� Empioye� Reti red �� Oste Corsinbubon Rece�vt�d Mike Schoeppach 1�/18/202� Stte84 Adc3te� 11768 N �rlesquite Hoilow Dr. 3 State Li� �.0� Q.�� 254.�Q Gty Qro Valfey AZ 85737 occ�pa�o� ��ef �� Qaie Cantnbu0on Kecervc,�ti James Prunty 11/18/202� stree:i+odress : 1 q523 N A,utum Hiif Ln. 4 G�, st�e Z�P 0.00 0.�0 250.OQ aro Vai 1e AZ 85737 Y p����� Emptcyer Reti red Kame �te contriauDon Recxiv�d Michael Racy 1122 & 1/27l2021 : S��,��� 535 W Burton Dr., Tucson, AZ 85704 5 G St�:e Z�p O.OQ 0.00 2Q0.0� ri Tucson AZ 85704 occu�a�os� Emp�ayer Cansult�nt Racy Assaciates InvlGov Rel Enter total only if last page of schedule ttrar�fer tr.e io;al recave�i ttKs Gariad ro'Sumrn�arv ci Re�:�icAs.'1�nA'ta;t "If contributions of$50 or less are listed on Schedule A('!)(b),do not inciude them on Schedule A(1)(a). chedule A 1 a a e 2 of �4 S O� ),P � ..- Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12/12i19(fillabie format) . ......... .... ........_......__.._..... ____�..__....___, ��� CpMMlTTEE ID NUMBER ; � STATE OF ARIZONA � `-�� COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN n _,.y'�:� �������V� - � FINANCE REP�RT ; f MONETARY CO NTRIBUTf4�1S RECElVED FROM INDIViDUALS-M4RE THAN$50 DURING ELECTI�N CYCLE:" SCHEDULE A(1}(a) __ _ __.�.__.��.___ _ ..__.____ � �._. -..,,, Cumulative Cumulative Individual Contributor Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle trta me Date Contributan Recerv�C Ma Mur�►hy 2/2 & 312/2021 ry ������ 1949 W Desert Highlands Drive, �ro Vailey, AZ 85737 $o.�� � Z�P 0.00 0.44 �� Sta:e Qro Valfe AZ 85737 y UCCR1R8Li4f1 E►T1�IOyE� Reiired = � �� Date Contnbubon Recervca� Scott 6ald�win 214202�21 str+aet a.ad ress 1 Q820 N �agle Eye P1. �1 �1�1 �"1 �.�� 2 State Z!P V.L V O.V O � �Y V Ile AZ 85737 { Oro a y Occupat►on EmpCyef Cansulting Seif : �� D�te Cor�tn�cfion Rece�vc.ld Thomas N�urpny 2120i2�21 5����� : 10645 Nor�h Oracie Road, Suite 121-158, OV, AZ 85737 3 . �.�e LIY �.ao o.o0 50.00 u� Oro Vailey AZ 85737 o��� ����e� � Jack of All Trades Self ��: �� �e���,�,o�K�� Christian Agyekum 2/2012�21 Stteet AddrQss 1086fl N �agie Eye P(. �ro Valley, AZ 85737 '� Gty 52aie ZIR �.Q� �.�V ���.�� Oro Valley AZ 8573� Octup�on Em�°Y8� Regional Manager Bank of the West Name Daie Coztcibutian Receivc,d ' John Mas�:nheimer 2/2� ,11/1 '21 sc�a�add-ess 11�41 North Palmetto Dunes, Tucson, AZ 85737 5 C�t State Z1P �.�� �.�� �5�.�� , Y Tucson RZ 85737 Qcc,upation Em�C'Yer Unemployed Enter totai only if{ast page of schedule f�ares(er tne:c?ai seoerre�tt�s t>enrxi io'SurrunarY oi RsceiGQs't;ne t{a?i "!f contributio�s of�50 or iess are listed on Scl�edule A('f)(b).do not include them on Schedule A(1)(a). Schedule A 1 a},pa e 3 0� 14 ( )( g Arizona Secxetary of State Revision�12i12/19(fillable format) .�..._.._� ��` STATE OF ARiZONA cOMM1TTEE ID NUMBER { � G� COMMiTTE� CAMPAIGN �'"� '� ' r'*�` 3 ., V����V"�J �. ' �`� � �' FINANCE REP�RT � , s � ��___�__ __._ �____ __. ______� _ NETARY CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED FR�M iNDIV1DUALS-MORE THAN$50 QURING ELECTI�N CYCLE:�" SCHEDULE A�1)(a) M� ___�...� w__. �,� _.�-- . r' r frr /•' Cumufative Cumulative � Indivfdual Coniributor information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Ele�tion Cycle �� Date Cor,inbuDon Recerv�d � Alan Sing�r 2/21/2�21 � svee�aaaress ; 1895 W Muirhead Loop p.pQ 5o.a0 � Z,P 0.00 �� Sta:e ; : �ro Vaile AZ �85737 Y , ` c����� ��Ye� � Unemplo�red �� ' Name Dnte Contnbubon Recervc�d : Bar Shar�l 2121l2�21 �� rY Y ` � street A�dres�s ; 10845 N �agle Eye P1 � 2 S��$ Z�p o.00 o.oa 25a.00 �� Oro Valiey A� 85737 OccYtpBbon E"�`°�� � Sales Self IVeme Date Cor�tnDubon Recervc*c Christo h�r Maclivaine 2�2� & 2I3 p s����� 1�825 N E.agle Eye P� 3 �, �� L,� 250.00 250.00 350.00 � Oro Valley AZ 85737 p�;�a� Emp�oyer Unemployed �� �g��;����,K�� Philip Langron 2�27I2021 ���� 3� East Harizon Circle 4 �,�,, sc�e Z�Q �.00 0.�0 25.00 Tucson AZ 85737 o���� �:��Ef Unemplay�d Narne Qate Cczrtributian Re�eiv�d Mark Radtke 2�28�2n2� sue�aao�� 10760 N Eagie Eye Pi. 5 ��y Sta:e ZIF V.V� �.�� �d�.�� �ro Valiey AZ 85737 ocr,,,��on ��P�Y�' Unemployed Enter tatal only if last page of schedule ,,. (trar�sfer ihe t�4a�fece�ve�t�r35 C�fi�tt?'Surtxr.a�Y ot Receipts.'�f�2�'aii ,,a \X��. "If contribui+ons of$50 or less are listed on Schedule A(9)(b),do not include them an Schedule A(1){a). �� Schedule A 1 a . a e 4�f 14 OOp � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12/12/19(fillabie format) S STATE OF ARIZONA caMMITTEE IQ NUMBER �� COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN ; - �V-== - . � �VP�2�-�1 �. ` ��� FiNANCE REP�RT x � RY C�NTRIBUTIQNS RECEIVED FROM lND1V1DUALS-MORE THAN�50 DURlNG ELECTI�N CYCI.E:* SCHEDULE A(1}(a) M(JNETA - _ .__,. ___.,._._._. ._. . � �� --._. _ __ � �.t. Cumuiative Cumulative Individual Contributor Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Elec#ion CyGle Name Qate CoMnbu4so�Recave�i �liv�a Haupt 2/2812�21 Su����� 10779 N Eagle PI. p.pp 50.�0 � �e:e �P a.00 ; Giy Qro Vaile AZ 85737 Y 3 �ccupai�an Empi°Ye' � Unemploy�ed �� Date CoMnDuban Rece�vc�d Debra Lan ton 3/2/2�21 9 � ; Streei Acfdress ; 30 East Horizon Circle, Tucson, AZ 85737 � 2 �,�, s�z� �P o.00 o.00 �o.00 ¢ . Oro Valley AZ 85737 Occupat►on Emp�°Yer U nemployed �� C�te Carrtnttt�bart Recerved � Ciifford Prestan 3i4/2a21 Su�A�� 10714 Eagle Eye Pi 3 U state LiP �.�� Q.�a 25Q.�� ry Ora Valley AZ 85737 : Arcu�a�on ���Ye' Reti red �� ���a�n��o����� Sherri Der�ny 314I2021 ���� 14855 Eagle Eye PI 4 �,�,• s.8ce z�� 0.00 0.00 50.+00 aro Valley AZ 85737 occu�atson ����Y$! Reti red �� pete Gorr[ribubar�Rece(vc�i Charles Chase 314/2021 Stree!Address 11431 N F�al metto Dues Ave � ��. �t�:Q zf� 0.00 0.00 50.�0 : .,.r,} 4ro Valley AZ 85737 OCi�LI�fl{t Ei(�i�iC�Ye'r Reti red Enter total on�y if last page of schedule itra�`er the teta!recen+e�th�s pefia-i to'S�r!xnary o�R�.,e�ais.'line 1(a;? "if contributions of�50 or less are listed on Scheduie A{1 j(b),do not include them on Schedule A('I)(a). Schedule A(1)(a),paye 5 ot 14 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12I12i19(fillable farmat} . _ _____.�..._.__._._._...,._, . i �5 STATE C�F �RIZONA cOMMITTEE ID NUMBER ; �� ��::.�:.���� , con�nnITTEE�AMPAIGN C3VPCZC�-41 � ��' ' FINANCE REPC}RT � � Mt�NETARY CONTRIBUTIC?�!S RECEIVED FR�M IND1VlDUALS-M4RE THAN�50 nURiNG ELECTiON CYCLE:" SGHEQULE A(1}(a) .�- .. Cumulative Cumuiative Individual Coniributor Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cyc�e Name Oaie Coninb��bon Recen+�;d ; Lynn Devou 3/512�21 S'treet Address , 10971 Honeybee PI .�p , Z�p o.ofl o.o0 50 Q,y State t�ro Valle AZ 85737 Y QCCU�S�i Ofi EsT1p,OY E i Owner Metro Medical Biliing ' Name DaEe Corttnbu�on Rec�ve� '� � 3/5/2a21 } Dan Devou � Street Addre9acs # � 10971 Honeybee Pi 2 �Q Z�P 0.40 0.00 50.00 � Oro Valley AZ 85737 �ccupabott ER'�'yef 11/�anager Metro Medical 6illing �me Deie Corttnbu�ort R�erveC Kel! Greirn 3/5I2021 Y 3 S���� 1953 W. L�esert Highlands Dr. 3 a� Siate ztp V.{�V V.U� 10d.{�� Oro Valley AZ 8�737 occupason EmP��Y�� Gypsy Sign Gypsies �rne �$�.�i0^tCIt111�lOfl K8'C66YF� Phili Greim 3/5/2021 P screet A�d�ss 1953 W. Desert Highlands Dr. 4 �, Sia:e Z�P �.V� �.�V ��V.�� aro Valle AZ 85737 Y Occupeti an Em�doyer Bus Operations Mgr SAIC ��.$ Oate Contribution R�eivc;d David Hriczak 3�g�202� Street Faddress ; 1965 W. Desert Highlands Dr. C7ro Valley, AZ 85737 � G�, ��e Z�� 0.00 0.00 50.a0 C�ro Valley AZ 85737 Oc�v p.a�on E m�4�y e; Unemploy�d Enter total oniy if last page of schedule itra:'tsfer;l�e t�a}receive-�thas 'xi ta'SUmmary of Rece�p:s. iine 1{a}a "tf contributions of$50 or less are listed on Schedule A(1)(b},do not include them on Schedule A(1){a). Schedule A 1 a , a e �o� 14 t )t ) Pg Arizona Secretary of State Revision �2/12/19(fillable format) I STATE t�F ARIZONA cOMMITTEE 1D�JUMBER ' � �� COMM�T�'EE CAMPAIGN -�v��� ov P��o-a� . , ' FlNANCE REPORT � f MONETARY C�NTRfBUTIU�IS RECEIVED FR4M INDIVIDUALS-MORE TNAN�50 DURiNG ELECTiON CYCLE:�' SCHEDULE A(1)(a) __. ____ ._._._._.. _ _..-'� - � �... Cumulative Cumulative Individual Contributor Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Periad Eleciion Cycle Na�e Oete Gorrtnbution R�cer��,cf Mary-Frances Hriczak 3/9/2�21 Sitee�t r"�ddfBSS ' 1965 Vil. Desert Hi hiands Dr. Oro Valiey, AZ 85737 : � g o.00 o.o� �o.o+o � � s��;e z�P ��� Gty : 4 ,Oro Valley AZ 85737 ; Occupation ���Ye' ` ����� U nempioy�d � �� Date Contnb�.�on Rece�vc:ti ; � Vl/illis Kittl�:man 3/11, 11/10 '21 � � ��:�� � � 1�530 N �targaze� Dr 2 S� �P o.00 o.00 ��o.00 � � Tucson AZ 8573? Occ�:paCan E��y�f Reti red � � �� Qate Co�trt�uGon Recerved Casey Tighe 3115/2021 str�ea aadre� 14505 F000thill Rd ('� � Gh S'tate Ll� U.Q� �.�� Z�V.V� Golden CC� 80401 Occupatitxt tmPlryer Unemploye� Name Oate Coran�an Hece�v�o Stephen VV�/eese 3/16/2021 S���� 1469 W D�sert Highiands Drive 4 Gr� state z�P �.�Q �.�� rJ'�.�{� Oro Vailey AZ 85737 occupaeo�: Emp;cye, Un�mploy�d Name Date Gortiribuhon Receiv� Nancy Weese 3/16i2021 screet t�dress 1469 W D�sert Highlands Drive 5 �� SEaie �� o.00 o.00 �o.00 Oro Valley AZ 85737 Occuparicr� Em�ksyer Unemployed Enter totai oniy if last page of schedule (trarrsfer tt�tata�rece?ve�tt�s petio�d t�`Su^nr�sar,��f Re:,-eipts.'iir.e t(a?i xlf Contributions of�50 or less are listed on Schedui+e A(1)(b),do not include them on Schedule A(1}(a�. Schedule A(1)(a),page � o€ �4 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12i12/19{filiabie format) . _ . ��'�� COMMiTTEE 1 D NUMBER STATE OF ARIZONA ��":�_� COMMlTTEE CAMPAtGN _ - :. .�, . (�U���� �� '� FINANCE REPaRT � � ; / _ MONETARY C�NTRIBUTI��iS RECEiVEfl FROM INDIV�DUALS-MORE THAN$50[�URING ELECTI�N CYCLE:�� SCHEDULE A(1)(a} Cumulative Cumulative individuai Contributar Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Periad Eleciion Cycle ��e Daie Contnbubon RBce�vc�,i Beverly Johnston 3/26/2021 Stree4�',d�dress 1285 Roy�l C)ak Rd 25.00 � ��e L�P o.00 o.00 C�ry Oro V�Ile AZ 85737 ' Y p��� Empaye.* U nempioyed � Name Date Contnbufion Recerved � � Jimrny Johnston 3/26/2021 � ���� � 1285 Roy�1 �ak Rd /^�(� 2 Ste"te Z;P �.�� �.�� 25�.VV , � ������� Oro Val ley AZ 85755 � p���� EmptUy er Unemploy�d � Name Oete Cor�tntruiion Recenr� W A Thor�as i 1 4/9/2021 ���� 1354� N A,talaya Way 3 �„ 5-�e l�� 0.00 0.�0 25.00 Tucson AZ 85755 OCcupab an EmAi°Yef Unemployed tvame Clate CortnDudon Kecer�e� Albert Price 4/9/2021 Street RrSdress 1 a809 N �len Abby Dr. 4 Gty State ZtP �.�� �.�� '�"�."� Oro Va{ley AZ 85737 Oc��ps�on Empt�.^yer Unemploy�d �� Cate CoMribution Receiv� Robert W�nczyk 4/9,6/15, 3�22 ; sc�ee��sd-� 1134Q N S�cioto Ave 5 G ��� Z1� 50.00 50.00 125.00 ri Tucson AZ 85737 O�cupa�ar� Em��yer ; Unemploy�d �� Enter#otal onfy if iast page of sche�ule (crans`er the tc:al receiv�thss Re�sxi'o`Sc:�?vr,a^v d Rer..eiDts,"iine t,a,a 'lf contributions of�50 or iess are listed on Schedule A(1)�b),do not include them on Schedule A(1}{a). Schedule A(1)(a),page 8 0� �� Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12l'f 2/z 9(f!(able format) __ �_�_ ______��� STATE 4� ARIZONA �� con���-�E�io NUMB�R ` � .:�. � � . -�_.�,�---- connn��rrE� cAn�PAr�N VP�2�-4 : Q �`� - FINANCE REPORT - s � MONETARY CONTR(BUTlC}�1S RECEIVED FRC�M INDIViDUA�S-M�RE THAN�50 DURING ELECTION CYCLE:�' SCHEDULE A(1}(a) ___-_ � __.______ _ __ . __..._____���...�._. _v_.�„`��. Cumulative Cumulative individual Co�tributar lnformation Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Gycle f�lame C)at6 COntnbc�on ROC�vc�Gl Susan Clore 4I10I2021 Sir�et AtidteSs 222 8ell Street, #306 25.04 1 s��;Q zs� �.fl� �.d0 � ; Edmonds WA 980�� Uccupaii� Emp�oyer ; , U nemployed ` � � � Narne Date Caninb�on RecarvEa�i st��� He���� 4��a�2o�� . ; � g $��,�� � � 11461 N F�aimetto Dunes Ave � o.�a o.�o �oo.00 � � 2 G� Siale ZIP Oro Valie AZ 85737 Y ��afl �,��yer insurance Agent St�te Farm Na� Oete CoMn�tttron Rece�vf�d ; °s Jack Dunbabin 411412a21 ������ 154fi W �armel Pointe Dr. /� 3 ��, S't�e LtP �.�� �.V� ���.�V Oro Valley AZ 85737 Occ;��aGon Emp+cyer Unemployed : NamB t?ate Corfibu�on Ke�cen+�C John Andersan 4I13/2021 $ttA@�ACSdfI�'i 11�2 Master Circle 4 �,, s�e z�P 0.00 0.0� 100.00 Oro Valley A2 85737 � occu�on E�P�Y�� Unemploy�d �� Date Corr;rit�:�ian Receiv4xi Lisa Wein�tein 4I13/2021 Su��� 1559 W C�rmef Pointe Dr. nn � C,;� Stste ZiP O.00 O.�O ��.vv �ro Valley AZ 85737 o�;��o� ��,a�y�� U nemployed Enter totai oniy if last page of schedule ltrarr��er the tct#�rece�*.ved tt�s cefio�t�'S;�mma�1+af Rec,�ipts,"lir�e 1(a)} "if contributions of�50 or less are iisted on Schedule A('!)(b),do not include them on Scheduie A(1 j(a). Schedule A(1}(a),�ac�e 9 of 4 Anzona Secretary of State Revision 12112/19(fiilable format} STATE OF ARIZONA cOMMiTTEE ID NUMBER `":�.--.,. COMMIT�'E� CAMPAIGN �-�� ... �VP�2 �� '�� � FINANCE REPQRT . � MONETARY GtJNTRiBUT10�1S RECEIVED FROM INDiViDUaL.S-M4RE THAN$50 DURING ELECTl�N CYCLE:* SGHEDU�E A{1}�a} .�_ �__. Cumulative Cumulative individual Contributar information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle � �� Date Gontnbcrilan R�c�ved ; Mark Radtke 4/14/2021 ; Street A�fdress ` 1076� N. �agle Eye Pi �� � z,� o.00 o.o0 50.00 Gty Steie Tucson AZ 85737 i occU(38tion �R�°ye� U nemployed : �� Date Confihu�on Recetvc�! Jim Kin 4/1612�21 + 9 ���� . � 35216 Pal�ne�er Ln ` b 2 Z,p o.00 o.00 �oo.oa R s ��, sta?e � Snoqualm�e 1NA 98065 ° Occups�an Empicyer ' U nemployed I�lame Date Corrtnt�on Recewc�d Barry Em�san 4/26/2021 s���� 1�7�1 N �a Reserve Dr Apt 171 � 3 �,� ��t� L;� o.00 Q.00 Z�.00 � Tucson AZ $5737 Occu�.a�on tm�cye: U nempioy�d 1�R',e �ate Cantnix�o�n Kecer�c� Chris Gali4s 4i26/2421 ����� 1113� Joy Faith Drive 4 �ty State ZiP �.V� Q.L" 2J.VV �ro Va{ley A� 85737 : Occ��pa�ion Emi�Yef Unemploy+�d Nasre Date Go!�tri�L�aon Receivf� _ Pam Treec�e 4/26i2021 ��� screet A�a ress 1 Q31 W Calle Bonita n � C� State 2fP O.oO O.00 ��.vo � h �ra Vai ley AZ 85737 Qcct��on Emp€cyer Realtor Long Realty Enter totai onfy if last page of schedule ft�ansfer tts�tatad rec�ved tius ena�d to`Summary ot Rece+Pcs,'I�r�e 1(a;J "[f Contributions of$50 or tess are listed on Schedule A{1�(b),do not include them on Schedule A�1)(a). Schedule A 1 a, a e ��a� 14 OOp9 Arizflna Secretary of State Revision 12112i19(fil(abie format} ,�� ' �, _. STATE OF ARIZONA cOMMITTEE ID NUMBER � -�.��_.:Y. CaMMiTTE� CAMPAIGN C�VPCZC� �� : ��v�� , � � � FtNANCE REPC�RT _ .__ .. MQNETARY CONTRIBUTIQ�JS RECEIVED FRONI INDiV�DUALS-MORE THAN�50 DURING ELECTiON CYCLE:# SCHEDULE A(1}�a) ���,,.,,...._ __ � - � � `~�..,`�,_ Cumuiative Cumulative � lndividua!Contributor information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle �� Laie GoMnbu&on Recerved Frederick �cheaffer 4/26/2�21 ����� 1523 W C�rmel Pointe Dr ; � St�e Z,P o.00 o.o0 50.�0 ; Gty �r+a Valley AZ 8573�7 � pCtxspB�ptt E�PbYe� U nem 10 ed � P Y �� Dste Contnb�rGon Recervc�d Hanna MacDonaid 5/24i2021 3 ����� Spiendido 2 ��8 z,� o.�a o.ao �o.00 � � �r �� 4ro Valley AZ � 85755 r���� � 3 Occupa�c�n Empk�yer � � Unemploy�d t+tame r�te conv:buno�Rer.eived ' Fred Swiderski 5/26I2021 Stteet hdt�se� ' 1074Q Narth Ridgewind Ct 3 � b'tate L��, �.�� Q.�� ��Q.VD Tucson AZ 8573? � O�,'��atton �mp1o'Yer 1 Realtor Coldwell Banker Realty � � Name Date Contnbubon Hecerv�c ° James Heckmar�n 5/31 i2021 ���� Str�� 1139 Moonlit PI 4 �,, S�tE Z.P 0.00 0.00 500.00 �ro Va11ey AZ 85737 OCCvos�c�t �,�1a�ye' Unemploy�d �n„Q Date CotKribtficn Re�'eiv��� Bruce Baca 6/24/2021 $ str�r.�a�� 11128 North Par Way � �� s�Q L�� 0.00 0.00 250.00 Oro VaNey AZ 85737 Occu�ation Ematc.'Ye� Realtor Coldwei! Banker Realty Enter total only if last page of schedule (t*ar:sfer the t�recswed thFs��t�to`Surr�rY of Re^,eipAs.'line 1(a�:► 'if contributions of$50 or less are listed on Scheduie A(1}�b):do not include ihem on Scheduie A('1)(a). Schedule A 1 a', a e �� af �4 Ot � R � Arizona Secretary of State Reviston 12/4 2/19{fi{labie format) � STATE C3F ARIZONA �GMMiTTEE f D NUMBER � �-����� COMMtTT�E CAMPAIGN _ ., ._ �VP�2Q �� . : ��� - FINANCE REPORT � � f MaNETARY CONTRiBUTlONS REGEIVED FR4ti�INDlVIDUALS-MORE THAN$50 QURlNG ELECTION CYCL.E:�* SCHEDULE A�1)(a) � �,_.. _ �.. �---� � Cumulative Cumulative individuai Contributor lnformation Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Periad Eiection Cycle ��Q Date Cor�tnbts�cn Rec�cve«d Susan-Le� Skulr �/27/2021 : Stteet AbdreSS � P� Box 6�192 0.00 �oo.00 1 �,�y sce*P zcP o.00 ' Oro Valle AZ 85737 y . Occu�Lan Fmpi°yef U nempioyed Name Uate CoMnbu�on RecesvE� Mike Vo el 9/23/2021 � 9 � � street A�fess ° P.t�. Box 68106 Gf1 /'�F1 2 �e ZiP �.�Q JV.UV �Y Tucson AZ 8573? OccupaCt�n Empioyef Representative Holland � i�tame Dste ContnGu�on Recervc�a ° Jane Bakr�s 9/30/2021 Street F,t#Jtess 964� N. H�rizon Vista Place 3 �i�, Siate L�P ��.UQ Oro Valley AZ 857�4 v��,��, �m�y�: Unemployed �� ����n�o���V{� Tracy Wc�ods 10/2�/2021 ���� P.�. 80� 68�06 4 � S��e Ztp �.00 0.0C? 10�.�� Tucson AZ 85737 O�cu�suo�n EmP•'�Yei Reti red Nar,�e Oate Car�+tribubgn Re�er�E�cf Frank G�dd�n 10/2�I20�1 sv��aor�s 1�97 N �alfe EI Mila o � G� St�e z.� o.00 o.ao 50.00 Tucson A� 85704 OtcL�ation Empic'rer Retired Enter totai only if last page of schedule Cransfer the tc�t�ra�e�ve�t�s DeR�d to'Surr�ary�'ReceiDts,'t;ne 1 a;:, 'If contributions of�50 or less are listed on Schedule A(1}(b),do not include them on Schedule A(1)(a). Scheduie A(1 a), pa e �2 of �4 )( 9 AriZona Se�retary of State Revision 02/11!21 {filiabfe format) �_.,_._e_._d-____. _. ...y �� STATE OF ARIZONA = �OMMITTEE ID i�UMBER � �����Y COMMITT�E CAMPAIGN _ '� ,. � � �. 2� V P J"✓ ' FINANCE REPtJRT . � _. _ __�s _ � � MONETARY CONTRIBUTIO�VS REGEIVED FROM lNDIViDUAL.S-MORE THi�N$54 DURING ELECTI�N CYCLE:� SCHEQ�ILE A(1)(a) . _w.____ � .__._._m_-�_.__. �`--�..,,,�. �. Cumulative Cumulative lndividual Contributor lnfflrmation Amount Received Amount this Arnount this Reporting Periad Eieciion Cycle Name Date GomnOcrtion R�cesv�ci Har 'M�" Greene 11/10/2�21 � �u���� 1489 W Bridaiveil PI � � Z�P o.00 o.ao �oo.00 ; �,�, sc�e ' �ra Vall� Az 85737 8�375 y ��� ��p�� E�P+�yB� � � Reti red �. Name Dete Corttrtbubon Recetv�d � r 11/1�/�0�1 � Tracy FQVU e � � � � stree��cresa � ; 1422 W. Cathedral Way n 2 Siate Z�P V.�� �.�� 25.�� �Y aro Vall� AZ 857�7 y oc«,s�ao� ��yE� School Adminstrator Amphi Schoo� District : � Name Gste Contnbu��n Recerve� � Dorarth Kittleman 9/24/202'1 y E Streez�sfdress 1�530 �I Stargazer Dr � � un ���e �� o.00 o.00 �o.00 Tucson AZ 85737 t)�.�pais en �m F��Y�t Reti red Name l/O��fim���n K�i�irf�{i Cherin Preston 11/23/2021 s����� 1�71Q �J Eag1e Eye PI 4 G�, s�e z« �.fl� 0.{�� 'I,ODO.�fl �ro Va11ey AZ 85737 �cu�ation �mpt�yet : Reti red Nams Date G�Mr�tx,�on Rsceive� ' Chris Blair 11/23i2Q21 s���c a�a�� 10794 N Ea le E e PI � �� �.�e �� Q.00 a.aa �ao.00 �ro Valle AZ 85737 Occu�on Emp:�yes Retired Enter totai only if last page of schedule ttrans`er the lotai re�e�re�tt�tss aariod to`Su�rv o�Receipts.'f re�{a;i "if contribut�ons of��0 or less are listed on Scheduie A('!);b),do not inciude them on Schedule A(1)(a). Scheduie A{1)(a),page �3 of 14 Arizona Secretary of Siate Revision 12t12i19�fiilable format� STATE OF ARIZONA cOMMITTEE!D NUMgER � `� .y�..-��� CC�MMiTTEE CAMPAIGN --� .- � _ . "'� ��� �� FINANCE REPCJRT � ; MUNETARY C�NTR�BUTI�NS RECEIVED FR4M INDIVIDUALS-MORE THAN�50 C�UR�NG ELECTlUN CYCLE:" SCNEDU�E A{1}{a) Cumulative Cumuiative lndividuai Contributor informatian Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cyc�e �� Date Car�tntx�bon Rece�v�d r John J. Boh! 2i17i2�22 ���� 11562 Kriscott Gt. 25.�� 25.00 � S��:e r�P 25.�4 Gty Oro Valle �AZ 85737 Y t}ccupa�an Em�Ye' Unemployed ' � � �� Dafe ContRbuLon Recer�c�d Chris Hud�na 3/16/2022 �n��� 997 Wes# �ox Lane n 2 Sta�e Zta 25.�V 25.�� �5.�� G2y ; Tucsan AZ 85737 ; j ���� Ernp�ayei � Unemp{oyed � � Na�m$ Date CoMnbui��on Recerved ' ; Myron Marsh 3/19/2022 Sireet A�ddress 1�851 La �uinta Dr. (� (� 3 ��• State L�� ���.�� ���.�� �V{�.Ll� � Oro Valley AZ 8�737 O�a:�atten Empleyet Unemployed Name eaee co;�m��on Heretv� { Sheet AdUt�s 4 G�y state z1? Occupa�an E���Y�' Name Dats Contrib���n Rec�ie�-�d Stfe�:4ddr�ss 5 s:�e z�� GrS,- Oci�patior� Em��e- : Enter totai only if last page of schedule 450,0� 15,342.45 t�ans�e�itze t�'ai rece�ve�tr�s�er��to`Surrxr�ary cf Re�eipis.'lir�e 1+,a}) 'if cor�tributions of�50 or less are l:sted on Schedule A(1}(b),do not include them on Schedule A(1�(a}. Schedule A(1}(a), page �4�f 14 Arizona Secretary of State Revision 12/12/19 tfiliable format) . __..._.____-____ _, � STATE �F ,ARIZO NA COMMITTEE i D NUMBER � ���:���: -, COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN G �;. ::. �VPC2�-01 ; . � FINANCE F�EP�RT MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS FR�M CORP�RATfONS AND LLCs: SCHEDULE A(1�(g) _ ..__.______ __.w _ _ _ __ � � Cumulative Cumuiative Corporation/LLC Contributor Information Amount Received Amount this Amount this Reporting Period Election Cycle corparat�orvl.�c nlame �Sam Le�it� Furturne, Co stte�Attasess ' 6 t 2Q20 W prince Rd � u� �t�e �,� o.00 o.ao s,00a.00 :. � Tucsan Z 857Q5 R Corporadon C�o�r�rnss�or.F�le Numbe{ t?ete Contnbuflon Rece�ved � �����zo2� corporaUon��u�r�arnQ 5tteet Addtess 2 City S1$te Z1P 0 � Co�por�san C:ornm�ss�ar:Fste NumDef Da4e C:onfnba�on Recc�ved Cotpor'ats�rY�1C Name Straet r'�ddress 3 C#ry State Z1P ! t:orporat�on t�orrm�ss�or.trte Numbe� :Ja�C:oninbuDon Kecenred �s�ar����vL`C�tame Stree2l�d�ess 4 Gry SiaRe Z{P �� Cor�o�a4,ar C�rwr�ss�t��Fi�e Numb�r Oate Ganfib�ti:,n Rece'sved :o:�ara�aon�LLC tJams Street�iress 5 c�r� s��Q z;F ' Corpcsrat��r�Corrmvss+or:F�p�".�;;m�r Qate Cantrihubon Rec�ved Enter total only if last page of schedule Q.QO 5,000.00 rtra�rs�e�:he tota;�ec�we�m�s oe�ioa to-s�r�rnanr oi Reeesocs.•�ne tta3) � Schedule A(1)( ),pa e � of � 9 � Arizona Secretary of State Revisian 02i11 f21 (filiabie format) __ __ ___..__�___.__.... �__._�.__.__._....e__�___.� STATE OF ARIZONA ��� coM���r�rEE�u Nun�BER ; � 4 ������:=��� COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN � : ,�r _ . C�VPC2�-a1 ; FlNANCE REP�RT � � � __ _ . IN-KlND C�NTRIBUTIONS F�ECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUALS-MORE THAN�50 DUR�NG ELECTION CYCLE:* SCHEDULE A(5)(a) 4�.,. � Cumulative Cumulative lndividua!Contributor Information Amount Received Arnount this Amount this �eporting Period Election Cycle t�tame (3ate►;rlVna Lor.tnb�s�on tze6:e�veo Qon Cox 12/7/2a21 s�r�t x���s ' 1��►5 V�/ �qU�1IWbUSt Ct . ; � Gty State Z�P �.�� Q.�� 953.�6 �ro Vall� AZ 85737 ; Y Occupaban Em�dcyer �Reti red 'S�If � . ; NBme D�te in-FGrrd C�rstrtbubon ReCenred ; � Streei ikddress ; 2 Grr stace zf P � Occupation Employer Nertte DBtE tn-FGnd Cc3tifiDuCOn}'�eCe�Yed S'treet AcfcSres�s 3 C+:y Siate 21 P i ; �P�� Em�yer E Nartte Date in-K:r?�Cotttnbtt��n Rece�•reC ' Street ksitlress � �tY S.at$ Z1P Occupation Em�oyer �� Date;r�!Gnd Carrtsib`rtion R�..adveC S?ree�i A<.i�r�:� 5 �� s��� v� Gcc:;�a+�on �m�;�•a r Enter tota!oniy if last page of schedule 0.00 953.6� itranste�th�to:3;rece�ve�th;s p�r;c�t�5ur*imary ot Recee�pts,'��e�;s;) *If in-kind contributions of�5�or less are listed on Scheduie A(5}(b), do not include them o�Scheduie A{5)�a). Schedule A�5),page ' of � Arizona Secretary of State Revision 02111121 (fillable format) ._ .� r STATE t}F ARIZ�NA co��E-�'�E�o���s�� : � y�-� = COMMITTEE CAl1�PA1GN �.�� . - �U����-�� `'� FINA�CE f�EPQRT � ; DiSBURSEMENTS F�R OP�RATING EXPENSES: ��HED��-�g�1) ��__._,._. . _...._�,_ ._.__ . _ ____ _ _ .~``-� ,- Curnula�ive Cumulative J I Recipient into:matlon Amaunt Paid arnount this Amount th�s Rep��:in�Perit�d ��ectio�Cycie f �,�+� :�t$Z}3i'T$$i C�il.:�$ t 4 f �ampaign Asso. So AZ V�rious s ; ��:�;� � o.fl . 214 N 3rd Street � , � . �� ;Z:� 0.�a'` 8,287.48 �� � Tucson A� '85705 � ` ` �Cash ; �1f�p 04'3�f3Lt:��X�?E�52 r�33C: NOCr-E!9C�O�i QLYt�SB? ���•S$fK�t'Jf7LC�:'�&'�r£S',�^�:`,/j � �Cf�f� � . � � � V1le� S�te �llgmt ' � ��� �;:�-�erx�a� '" ! � �St�ip Vario�s - I �-��:��� �s.��� I , , 'i 9,91 � 2'�Q.(�Q 2 c�,y sc�e z�� ���i�e � �Cash � 3�rc��z a�e�����P� ����ose';�a,s anc�c�►��c��t Cl C�edtt Danation �ees & Espebses � _ , �� ��� � Bank of Ar�nerica Var�ous ���� 32.ao , 3 . 32.ao 32s.s� t �ry s�t �a� , s C�ro Valley AZ '*573� ' �casn �ype a'o��r�d�xp�-�:e�� ?�-�tec�ar��ur�ose?;na�ana�ottr�i Far!�s�r-x:�: [��f�i� � �Banking F�es � ' � t�tar,�e ' �as�u'se^�ecr.�e � � �ampbeif �,�arking Group �I2: 2i1 & 3i1 S�`.reet h.^.�te9s 462.9E� 1�35 E. M�tchell Street ; : 4 � 462.9� 462.9fl �3� s�E �p � �. , � Tucson AZ �85719 � � e cas� � -y��c�e-e������ �r..���as p�:�sa-tP�^.�a��a��c��o:=y; �3 C�etftt , i o i 1 Me m ; j S c a ��a Manage ent�� , � �:-,� ��.�.�.�.�,�:� ; WebMo 3l8 & 3116 ��� , z,o�a.o�� � 2585 I� 1 st Avenue 5 G� �� ;�� 2,Q10.4fl 2,�10.Q0 TuCson, AZ 8�7'�9 � c�casn c� c�d�t 'Y�e a=cpera�^4 uiy'►tse Pai: Ncr.-£�at P::�poae? ;�hGs and?o�t��Pa�es t?�ty} i ❑ �Enter tata�only�f fasi page of schedule � :� ��;:spe�oc;::'Ss�y��:sms��ser*�e�' .e.; �,��2.�� ��.2�7.�tJ `"'?'3,^.5.`+r'�tht� '.�i� � �f' ;7 � � ' Scheduie 6��},page�,of � Arizona Sec�etay of Sta#e Revis"son Q2�11/21 {fitlable farmat�